
T o r t u g a

SEO-friendly cinema

In a world where algorithms reign supreme, mastering their language is no longer a luxury but a necessity to unlock your film’s true potential. In the search economy the language of algorithms shapes the narrative, production, distribution, and marketing of films.

In this blog, I delve into the depths of “Films for Algorithms,” my film production master thesis that transformed into a doctoral research project, exploring the uncharted territory of SEO-friendly cinema and crafting films that resonate with algorithms and audiences alike. My mission as a film producer is to understand and harness the power of algorithms to seamlessly integrate them into your filmmaking process, from script development to distribution and beyond.

Whether you’re a filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, director, artist, video content creator, or simply curious about the future of cinema, this blog is your gateway to a world where technological innovation and storytelling prowess converge.

Your own discoveries, experiments and insights will also be highly appreciated. If relevant for my research, I will quote you in my Ph.D. thesis. Let’s make algorithms our partners in storytelling, and let’s make our films the talk of the digital town.